Third Sunday of Lent 2023

Lent 3 2023

“Where can I get this living water?” said the Samaritan woman in Sunday’s Gospel reading. It was not like anything anyone had ever drunk before. Jesus told her she would never be thirsty again, because this water becomes like a spring – welling up to eternal life.

Oh the wonders of the Holy Spirit!

The need for water is a matter of life and death, but for those who receive the Holy Spirit through Baptism, it becomes a matter of eternal life. Our loving Lord washes away the stain of original sin and pours into us a multitude of beautiful things, such as those described in our second reading: peace, faith, hope and love.

The question is, how are we so lucky to be loved this way? “God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” We serve a God who approaches us in the midst of our sin, just as he did with the Samaritan woman. He alone can make us clean. By grace, it is a “gift of God” that he freely pours into our hearts.

This spring wells up in other ways too. The life Christ pours into us through the Holy Spirit cannot be contained. It pours out in all sorts of directions. The fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control – are evidence of the splashing.

Your friends at Catholic Cemeteries invite you to allow God to pour more of his Spirit into your heart this Lent. May it pour forth from you into the lives of those around you, and may it well up within you to eternal life.


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