Explore Cemetery Options
Over the years, the team at Catholic Cemeteries has striven to build multi-generational relationships with families to ensure the deceased's wishes are carried out in a reverent manner. From niches for cremated remains to lawn crypts and multi-sized family plots, we offer all interment or entombment choices that are consistent with the teachings of our Catholic faith.
Contact a memorial planning advisor to learn more about the options below.

Cremated Remains
We offer a variety of care options for cremated remains, including:
- Burial in a traditional in-ground gravesite
- Placement in a niche located in a columbarium or garden crypt
- Internment in an ossuary
One or more options for the interment of cremated remains are available at all active Catholic cemeteries. Contact a memorial planning advisor to learn more.

Traditional Gravesites
Traditional burials are when a casket is placed in the ground, covered with earth, and a flat or standing stone marker is placed at the location.
Catholic Cemeteries offers traditional burials at all active cemetery locations.

Lawn Crypts
Lawn Crypts are burial sites with a pre-set concrete outer container. Lawn crypts are designed and engineered to protect the burial space and effectively conserve ground space. The site may be customized with a granite marker set in the wall, a shared monument or a lawn-level marker.
Currently, lawn crypts are available at
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter & Paul
- Calvary
- Sacred Heart
- Our Lady
- Holy Cross
- Ste. Philippine

Floral Lawn Crypts
Floral lawn crypts are in-ground burial sites with a pre-set concrete outer container that have a small bed of earth for private plantings, in-ground flowers, and grasses.
Available at:
- Resurrection
- Sacred Heart

Garden Crypts & Mausolea
Garden crypts are enclosures for full-body entombment, housed in community structures. Some are in open air surroundings, and many are constructed around a central religious chapel or feature.
Currently, Garden Crypts are available at:
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter & Paul
- Calvary
- Sacred Heart
- Our Lady
- Holy Cross
- St. Vincent
- Ste. Philippine
- Ascension

Niches & Columbaria
Niches are small crypts for the entombment of cremated remains, and can hold one or more urns, depending on the space. Niches can be found in most of our mausolea complexes and in free-standing columbaria, which are structures to house cremated remains exclusively.
Niches are currently available at:
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter & Paul
- Calvary
- Sacred Heart
- St. Charles Borromeo
- St. Peter
- Our Lady
- Holy Cross
- St. Vincent
- Ste. Philippine
- Ascension

An ossuary is a unit in which to inter cremated remains without an urn. The cremated remains that are added to the ossuary are permanently interred.
Currently the only ossuary is at Resurrection.

Memorial Inscriptions
Our Sacred to the Memory Shrines are a unique way to honor your loved ones. The names of those that may be engraved here include:
- those laid to rest in the ossuary,
- those lost at sea or in conflict abroad,
- those who have donated their bodies to science,
- and children lost during pregnancy to abortion or miscarriage.
Sacred to the Memory Shrines are currently available at:
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter & Paul
- Calvary

Private Family Estates
Private family sarcophagi are usually made of granite and can be inscribed or decorated with sculpture and adornment. These structures are meant to be approached without entering.
Private family mausolea are above-ground structures for entombment that can be entered and usually feature a central shrine or window.
Private family estates are generally sold for the use of a single family. Placement of these and other options in any active archdiocesan cemetery may be possible. Please contact a memorial planning advisor for more information.

Infant and Children Sections
We understand the tragedy of losing a child and offer compassionate burial options for infants and children. We have designated certain sections of select cemeteries for the burial of infants and children at the following cemeteries:
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter and Paul (Infants only)
- Calvary
- Sacred Heart
- St. Ferdinand (Infants only)
- Our Lady
- Holy Cross
- Ste. Philippine

Adult Charity Sections
We offer options for charitable burials at select cemeteries. In order to have a charitable burial at our cemeteries, we require written notice from a Catholic priest on behalf of the family. Adult charity sections can be found at the following cemeteries:
- Resurrection
- Ss. Peter and Paul
- Calvary
- Sacred Heart
- St. Ferdinand

Looking to the Future
In addition to providing burial services, we also connect with the community through:
- burial record research,
- public access to all seventeen locations,
- ecological sustainability partnerships with the Missouri Department of Conservation.