Palm Sunday


“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself…” (Phil. 2: 6-7).

As he approaches his final hours, Christ, who is God, continues to obediently spend himself for the Father through his Passion and Death.  We might think of obedience in a way that means merely carrying out a command, but this is not the obedience of Christ. Christ’s obedience flows from his love of God the Father and his love for us. It is Christ’s love which causes him to process with palms into Jerusalem while having full knowledge of the suffering he will endure there just days later. It his love that allows him to accept betrayal, denial, mockery, torture, and death. It is out of his love for us that Jesus offers us sacramentally what he gives physically in his Passion and Death, so that by the sacraments we may be saved from sin and united to him and God the Father.  Christ spends his final moments making a total gift of himself for us. 

How are we accepting his gift? 

How are we living out Jesus’ example of obedience to the point of death?

When we reach the end of our earthly life, will we say “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit?”

May this Palm Sunday and the coming Paschal Triduum be a blessed time of renewal in faith and trust for you and your loved ones!

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