Second Sunday of Lent


Last week we reflected on how our Lenten practices help us to turn away from sin. Now we can begin reflection on our mortality with a new mindset. We know that suffering is a part of human life and a stark reminder of our mortality. In today’s Gospel, Moses and Elijah speak with a glorified Christ. They discuss his upcoming exodus;  Jesus’ upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection. In this moment, we begin to see Christ turning the order of our fallen world on its head. Christ’s exodus is described as an accomplishment, the suffering and death he allows himself to undergo will be glorified in the Resurrection.
How is Christ being glorified in your life?
Amazingly Christ offers us to join him in his glory. Christ allows us to be purified by suffering and not destroyed by death, though we still experience sin and suffering. We can, in the midst of our sinfulness and suffering, join Jesus in his glory. Next week, we will look at the means Jesus gives to us to transform these into glory.

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The Ascension

As the joyful Easter season continues, we will soon celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension.