Hallowtide and Stories of Blessed Hope

Oct 2023

This Hallowtide, Rejoice with the Saints and Pray for the Deceased

The upcoming Hallowtide Triduum offers three days for celebrating the communion of saints, remembering the deceased in a special way, and contemplating our own eventual judgment.

Hallowtide begins with All Hallows Eve on October 31, continues with All Saints Day on November 1, and concludes with All Souls Day on November 2. These three days invite us to rejoice for those who are now in heaven and to ask for their intercession. We are reminded also to pray for the souls in purgatory, that they may soon be prepared for eternal life with the Lord. We also consider how we might prepare for our passing.

The Tradition of the Church provides meaningful practices for these sacred days. The participation in Mass on All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation, brings us into the heavenly banquet.

Additionally, visiting a cemetery and praying for the souls in purgatory can gain a plenary indulgence for those souls (when accompanied with the other conditions for a plenary indulgence). In fact, this can be done once a day during the Octave of All Saints, November 1-8. The rest of the year, this practice can gain a partial indulgence.

It is also worth noting that a plenary indulgence can be gained for the dead by offering prayers for them in a church or oratory on November 2.

At Catholic Cemeteries, we welcome every connection for remembrance, which is why we invite you to visit the gravesites of your loved ones, especially during or around the Hallowtide Triduum.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

Burial Search

New Short Film Shares Stories of the Blessed Hope

"I believe that God calls people into an afterlife that is eternal, and that those who have gone before us are very aware of us who are still living on this earth."

Catholic Cemeteries is a ministry of the Archdiocese of St. Louis exemplifying the love and compassion of Jesus Christ while serving those touched by death. Our cemeteries are not final resting places, but a bridge to the communion of saints.

In a new video, we’re privileged to share stories from individuals served by our ministry, displaying the beauty of our faith by demonstrating the blessed hope that awaits each of us.

Watch our new short film on our Facebook page using the link below, to see how our ministry cares for the deceased, compassionately accompanies the living, and preserves history – all while pointing to eternal life.

Watch Here

Join Us for The Conversation with the Roman Catholic Foundation this Fall

Catholic Cemeteries is proud to sponsor The Conversation: A Catholic Perspective on Cycle-of-Life Issues. The Conversation is a free seminar from the Roman Catholic Foundation, to help understand Church teaching about cycle-of-life issues, plan end-of-life decisions, and share those decisions with loved ones.

Topics include:
Principles of Catholic Bioethics
Estate Planning & Advance Directives
Charitable Gift Planning
Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Planning

The Conversation is for people of all ages and life situations, and there is still one more opportunity to attend a session this fall.

November 4, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Assumption (Mattese)
South County

Learn More and Register


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