First Sunday of Lent


Now that we are a few days into our Lenten journey, we probably feel a bit uncomfortable in the early stages of our penitential practices. We might ask what the purpose is in undertaking these practices. How do these practices help us turn to Jesus? The Prayer Over the People at today’s Mass answers this question: “May bountiful blessing, O Lord, we pray, come down upon your people, that hope may grow in tribulation, virtue be strengthened in temptation, and eternal redemption be assured. Through Christ Our Lord.” By challenging our own comfort and confronting our sinfulness through our Lenten practices, whether they be as simple as abstaining from sweets, or committing to specific prayers or almsgiving, we grow in virtue and in hope as Jesus Christ strengthens us to trust him, who is our salvation and promise of eternal life.

How are your Lenten practices helping you to entrust yourself to Jesus?

On Ash Wednesday, we saw that we die because of sin, now we see that our Lenten practices are meant to help us entrust ourselves to Jesus and turn away from sin. As we turn away from sin this Lent, we can begin to reflect on our own mortality in a new light. We will continue our reflections next Sunday.

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Fifth Sunday of Lent 2024

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